Good afternoon from Whitefish Montana. We are here at an Airbnb. I want to take you inside and show you along. I’m excited about this project and I cannot wait to show you how gorgeous it is in here. So it is so spacious and roomy. It has six bedrooms. We are going to be refinishing or actually no, we’re going to be pulling up all the existing floors here and putting in a lighter color hardwood. First of all, let me just back up for a second. Look at this space. Isn’t it gorgeous? The views are stunning. It is so cozy in here. I’ve been telling my husband all day today how much I like the blankets and the pillows, they are just so inviting and just makes you want to curl up and just spend time with your family. Super, super, super awesome place to stay. So we’re going to be pulling up the floors in all the bathrooms. We’re going to be doing all the tile work in the bathrooms, But I just wanted to show you what’s going on before. So you can see the “after” of this project, but I’m going to take you along. This is one of the main bedrooms here.

This is a little living area that has stunning views. Then you go on into the kitchen, sweet little table. So all this, again, all this floor is coming up. Every single bit of it, they’re pulling the carpet up, no more carpet. This is another little living area. Again, this place is so spacious. You could bring your entire family and some. I think it sleeps 16, no, way more than that. I’m not exactly sure the numbers, but let me take you downstairs.

So all this carpet will be coming up, all of this floor as well. So this is going to be a really large project. Here’s a whole other living space down here. All of this carpet will be coming up. We’re going to be redoing the bathrooms in here. I’m pretty sure they’re going to be doing heated floors here, which will be so nice. There’s another bedroom back here, another little bathroom here. So all of this is going to be refinished, pulled out, renovated. All the carpet is going.

Look how cute. Ping pong. More beds here, closet. Another Bedroom back here. All this carpet’s coming up. So that’s it downstairs.

I’m going to take you up to the third level now because there’s three stories. So all of this carpet will be taken up and the hardwood here will be taken up. All the carpet will be taken up. This is a little kid’s room. This is where we are actually staying. So excuse the mess, but this is the bedroom we’re staying in. This carpet will be taken up. My husband’s back here working, he’s doing the measuring right now. This floor will be taken up, all the tile in the shower will be taken up. Look how glorious this is. I cannot wait to see the final results. This is going to be a project you don’t want to miss.

Call Us Today & Let’s Talk About Your Project!
K&M Floors, Inc: Atlanta Hardwood Flooring Installation & Refinishing
4365 Lynwood Court
Douglasville, GA 30134
(678) 619-3821