Okay, so this is unit three and they did the same thing as the unit next door. So it looks like they’re doing the same type of pattern and tile in all of the units. So again, it’s a 12 by 24 on the main, main floor here and then 2 by 2 on the shower floor and then 4 by 16 on the shower wall.

Well, that wraps up today’s project. I did go in the other hometown units and it looks like the tiles all the same throughout each unit. So, um, I didn’t take you in the last couple of ones. They have their unit they’re working in unit six. Now they have, uh, one more unit to go, and then they’ll start working on the hardwood. Next week. We are here at the mill that Scottsdale, there are seven townhome units here and prime construction is the contractor on these units.

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4365 Lynwood Court
Douglasville, GA 30134
(678) 615-1315